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In this guide, we'll walk through the process of testing the DistributionContract using the Foundry framework. This guide follows the structure used for the Superfluid contract, adapting to the specifics of the DistributionContract.


Before diving into testing your Superfluid contracts with Foundry, make sure you have set up your development environment properly. Here's a brief explanation of each step required:

  1. Creating and Navigating to Your Project Directory:

    mkdir superfluid-example && cd superfluid-example

    This command creates a new directory named foundry-example and then changes your current working directory to it.

  2. Initializing a Foundry Project:

    forge init

    This initializes a new Foundry project in your directory, setting up the necessary structure and configuration for Ethereum smart contract development.

  3. Installing Superfluid Protocol Dependencies:

    forge install superfluid-protocol-monorepo= --no-commit

    Installs the dev branch of the Superfluid protocol from its GitHub repository.

  4. Installing OpenZeppelin Contracts:

    forge install --no-commit

    Installs the necessary (4.9.X) of the OpenZeppelin contracts, which are widely used for secure smart contract development.

These steps ensure you have the necessary tools and dependencies installed to start developing and testing your Superfluid-based contracts with Foundry.

Contract and Key Functions

Click here to show DistributionContract

//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.8.14;

import { ISuperfluid, ISuperToken } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/superfluid/ISuperfluid.sol";

import { SuperTokenV1Library } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/SuperTokenV1Library.sol";

import {IGeneralDistributionAgreementV1, ISuperfluidPool, PoolConfig} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/agreements/gdav1/IGeneralDistributionAgreementV1.sol";

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

interface IFakeDAI is IERC20 {

function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external;


contract DistributionContract {

using SuperTokenV1Library for ISuperToken;

mapping (address => bool) public accountList;

ISuperToken public daix;

ISuperfluidPool pool;

// fDAIx address on Polygon Mumbai = 0x5D8B4C2554aeB7e86F387B4d6c00Ac33499Ed01f
constructor(ISuperToken _daix) {

daix = _daix;


/// @dev Mints 10,000 fDAI to this contract and wraps it all into fDAIx
function gainDaiX() external {

// Get address of fDAI by getting underlying token address from DAIx token
IFakeDAI fdai = IFakeDAI( daix.getUnderlyingToken() );

// Mint 10,000 fDAI, 10000e18);

// Approve fDAIx contract to spend fDAI
fdai.approve(address(daix), 20000e18);

// Wrap the fDAI into fDAIx


/// @dev creates a Pool with this contract being the admin
function createPool(ISuperToken token, PoolConfig memory poolConfig) external {

// Create Pool
pool=daix.createPool(token, address(this), poolConfig);


/// @dev updates Units for a specific member
function updateMemberUnits(address memberAddress, uint128 newUnits) external {

// Update member units
daix.updateMemberUnits(pool, memberAddress, newUnits);


/// @dev creates a stream from this contract to the pool
function createStreamToPool(int96 flowRate) external {

// Create stream
daix.createFlow(receiver, flowRate);



  • gainDaiX: Mints and wraps fDAI into fDAIx.
  • createPool: Initiates a new Superfluid pool with this contract as the admin.
  • updateMemberUnits: Updates units for a specific pool member.
  • createStreamToPool: Creates a money stream from this contract to the pool.

Writing Tests

Setting Up Your Test Environment

Your test environment will depend on where you would like to test your Superfluid application. You can fork a public testnet where an instance of the Superfluid Protocol already exists (e.g Polygon Mumbai). In this case, you do not need to deploy a new instance of the Superfluid protocol. However, if you are testing on a local testnet you would need to deploy a new instance of the Superfluid protocol.

  • Create a new Solidity file for your tests
  • Import forge-std/Test.sol and inherit from Test.
  • Import the Superfluid protocol contracts.
  • Write your setUp function to run before each test case.
pragma solidity ^0.8.14;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {ISuperfluid, ISuperToken} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/superfluid/ISuperfluid.sol";
import {TestGovernance, Superfluid, ConstantFlowAgreementV1, CFAv1Library, SuperTokenFactory} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/utils/SuperfluidFrameworkDeploymentSteps.sol";
import {SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/utils/SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.sol";
import {SuperTokenV1Library} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/SuperTokenV1Library.sol";

contract DistributionContractTest is Test {
// Test contract instance
DistributionContract distributionContract;
// Mumbai fork parameters
uint256 mumbaiFork;
// Set up your environment variables and include MUMBAI_RPC_URL
string MUMBAI_RPC_URL = vm.envString("MUMBAI_RPC_URL");

// Setup function to initialize test environment
function setUp() public {

//Forking and selecting the Mumbai testnet
mumbaiFork = vm.createSelectFork(MUMBAI_RPC_URL);

//Pointing to the fake Daix contract on Mumbai
//For token and protocol addresses on all networks, check out the Superfluid console:
daix = ISuperToken(0x5D8B4C2554aeB7e86F387B4d6c00Ac33499Ed01f);

//Deploy the contract
vm.prank(address(0x123)); // Simulate a different caller
distributionContract= new DistributionContract(daix);
vm.unprank(); // Restore the caller

//Add other functions and test contracts...
About the setUp Function

The setUp function is an optional function standardized by Foundry (but it is necessary here, especially in the case of local testnet). It is a special function that is executed before each test case. It is used to initialize the test environment and contract instances. To learn more about the setUp function, check out the Foundry documentation.

Testing Contract Functions

GainDaiX Function

The gainDaiX function mints and wraps fDAI into fDAIx. Here's how to test it:

function testGainDaiX() public {
// Setup: Deploy the DistributionContract with a mock fDAIx token
ISuperToken daix = new MockSuperToken();
DistributionContract distributionContract = new DistributionContract(daix);

// Action: Call the gainDaiX function

// Assertions: Check if the contract has the expected amount of fDAIx
uint256 balance = daix.balanceOf(address(distributionContract));
assertEq(balance, 10000e18, "The balance of fDAIx should be 10,000 after gainDaiX");

CreatePool Function

To test createPool, you'll verify if a pool is created with the correct parameters:

function testCreatePool() public {
// Setup: Deploy the DistributionContract and mock tokens
ISuperToken daix = new MockSuperToken();
DistributionContract distributionContract = new DistributionContract(daix);

// Define pool configuration
PoolConfig memory poolConfig;
// Set poolConfig parameters...

// Action: Call the createPool function
distributionContract.createPool(daix, poolConfig);

// Assertions: Verify if the pool is created correctly
ISuperfluidPool pool = distributionContract.pool();
// Additional assertions about pool...

UpdateMemberUnits Function

Testing updateMemberUnits involves checking if member units in a pool are updated correctly:

function testUpdateMemberUnits() public {
// Setup: Deploy the DistributionContract, create a pool, and add members
ISuperToken daix = new MockSuperToken();
DistributionContract distributionContract = new DistributionContract(daix);
// Create pool...
address memberAddress = address(new Member());

// Action: Update member units
uint128 newUnits = 100;
distributionContract.updateMemberUnits(memberAddress, newUnits);

// Assertions: Check if the member's units are updated
uint128 updatedUnits = daix.getMemberUnits(memberAddress);
assertEq(updatedUnits, newUnits, "Member units should be updated to the new value");

CreateStreamToPool Function

For createStreamToPool, you'll need to ensure that a stream is correctly established:

function testCreateStreamToPool() public {
// Setup: Deploy the DistributionContract and create a pool
ISuperToken daix = new MockSuperToken();
DistributionContract distributionContract = new DistributionContract(daix);
// Create pool...

// Action: Create a stream to the pool
int96 flowRate = 1000;

// Assertions: Verify the stream is created with the correct flow rate
// Implement checks for stream creation...

Using Cheat Codes

Foundry's cheat codes can simulate various scenarios. Here's an example of using a cheat code to test access control:

function testUnauthorizedAccess() public {
// Setup: Deploy the DistributionContract
DistributionContract distributionContract = new DistributionContract(...);

// Use cheat codes to simulate an unauthorized user
vm.expectRevert("Unauthorized access");

// Attempt to call a function that requires specific permissions

## Running Tests

Execute your tests using the following command:

forge test

Best Practices

  • Write clear, descriptive test cases.
  • Maintain code readability.
  • Use Foundry cheat codes for simulating real-world scenarios.
  • Aim for high test coverage.


Testing ensures the reliability and security of blockchain contracts. This guide provides a foundational approach for using Foundry to test the DistributionContract.

Further Resources